hey influencers and creators... are you just relying on brands to pay your bills?

Discover the secret to becoming a full time creator (and how to stay a full time creator)... because there’s nothing more humiliating than going back to a job you quit to begin with.

i'm ready to make sh*t happen now! ⟶

stop putting all your eggs in one basket and

create more income streams!

as seen in

You know how helpless you feel when a brand tells you they “don’t have the budget to accommodate”.

You are SO tired of being put in a position to accept the low offer because it’s the best you can get from a brand at that moment (and that bill STILL needs to get paid).

You’ve been giving it your best shot negotiating! I SEE YOU! I know you’re thinking, “There has to be another way to monetize”. And yet, you know

a brand's influencer marketing budget is finite.

for you, it's not about
"getting sponsored by brands"

Sometimes all you need to start an incredible journey is someone who will push you to take the first step.

Lauren Teixeira

i don't need to tell you that

you are meant to create content for a living.

You don’t want to go back to that corporate job that sucks the life out of you.

That romanticized corporate girlie lifestyle is such a lie. Unlimited PTO and promotions are just pawns to keep you on the hamster wheel.

It’s about “How can I make a full time income creating content and sharing what I’m passionate about online?”

Literally… how? When all you know how influencers make real money is through brand deals, affiliate sales and UGC?

You know for a fact working for brands won't ultimately bring you joy (oh God, you’re working for someone else again?!) and there’s some bigger purpose behind the moment you press post.

If only there was a roadmap that could show you how your creator or influencer career could expand 10-20 years from now.

What if, instead of burning yourself out running the rat race of growing your followers tirelessly just to land one brand deal,

Figuring out ways to beat the algorithm (where you’re told to post 3-5x a day, praying to God your content gets seen by brands, and that brand's best offer is 20% commission from every sale) and scouring for every brand deal you can find because they’re not paying you enough

Are booked and blessed with brands who want to partner with you for 6 months and you turn down a $6,000 offer because there are brands who want to pay you more for WAY LESS WORK.

Bending over backwards for brands, creating 30-60 videos just to hit your $10k months

Having to stay at your conventional 9-to-5 because your side hustle as a creator isn’t making livable income

Post 3-5x a week to talk about a product or service that you curated for your community and selling out, making $10k, $20k or even $30k launches!

Work less than 10 hours a week because you have the systems in place that enables you to make money while you sleep (or sipping a marg in Mexico)

This is what I need, sign me up!

Your days could look peacefully like this:

instead of...


instead of...


instead of...


"I feel so much more confident now. I know now what to charge and my income from one collaboration is around 3x more! I am also so happy with my product launch success. it pretty much paid for this whole mastermind, and I wouldn't try selling it if I didn't join the class."

Asya, @asyatravels

The only thing standing in your way… is having a simplified roadmap to grow your creator/influencer business from the ground up, that doesn’t leave you working 24/7, and to scale to a point where you have a clear retirement plan if you choose.

And no, it’s not too much to ask ;) 

^ all this sh*t is just waiting on you to take messy action bestie!

The exciting news is...

it took me 8 years in the influencer industry to crack the code and leave my cushy engineering job for good, and an extra 2 to scale my creator business to multiple 6 figures.

and now, you have the ability to do it for way less.

“Naomi by far truly cares about your success. This is the BEST program I have taken for Instagram. I have made sales with my online business and got a trip with a tourism board! She has a good soul and has dedicated so much time to helping me.”


introducing the (newly re-branded)

own your influence


A 6-month group coaching program for influencers and creators who are ready to elevate their creator side hustle from a hobby into a profitable, scalable business by mastering monetization beyond brand deals, while creating impact in their sphere of influence.

Learn our proven framework that will take you from hustling brand deal to brand deal, to CEO of your own creator or influencer empire.

6-month mastermind

say less, hook me up!

Learn *exactly* who you are as a creator and go from “this industry is too saturated for me to exist in” to “this is how I stand out”

Gain confidence in understanding how simple (and fun) the non-aesthetic parts of business really are

over the next 6 months, you will...

Map out your own customer journey and build a living, breathing ecosystem that allows your most loyal followers to buy in over and over without the *ick*

By the end of this program, you will walk away with…

A creator business you are aligned with, ready to make more money effortlessly when you press “post”.

5 monthly live calls with 3 coaches (+ replays)

Spend 90 minutes learning with a business coach, a content coach and a systems coach each month, who will collectively support you as you execute your business plan. Every call will be recorded.

Daily slack support

This is where the magic happens and where we get into the nitty gritty. Our exclusive Slack group will supplement your progress in between calls, do some huddle-and-plays as you master brand deal negotiation, craft your product launch plans and more! Get detailed help from Naomi, Allie and Alex!

(Valued at $5,000)

here's what's waiting for you inside:

Naomi’s Creator Resource Vault

You will have lifetime access to the SponMaster course, all of Naomi's digital tools, resources, workshops, courses, scripts, examples, templates and more!

(Valued at $2,000)

You will also have optional bi-weekly office hours with your coaches where you can brainstorm, plan and use your entire network as sounding boards. That’s a total of 30 calls!

(Valued at $20,000)

A Weekend In-Person VIP Retreat in August

Spend the weekend in NYC with your cohort and coaches IRL! You will get 2 days worth of workshops, do a progress check in, get pampered with special treats and receive live live support (heh, get it?!)

(Valued at $4,000)

4x Workshops with Industry Experts

Learn from various industry experts (like a lawyer, accountant, brand, etc.) to supplement your learning as a creative online entrepreneur

(Valued at $4,000)

and because you deserve more...

1-Hour 1:1 call with Naomi midway

Have the opportunity to openly restructure your business plan with Naomi and work through any mindset blocks as necessary

(Valued at $1,000)

but i promise you're not paying $36,000 for this...

are you ready to build your creator/influencer empire?

most flexible


8 payments of

monthly payment plan


6 payments of

best value


one payment of

I'm ready to commit!


Not only will you meet all the incredible people in the mastermind with you, but this is where we'll set some short-term and long-term goals for your creator/influencer business.

We will collectively take a look at what's going on behind the curtain, see what needs to be refined and come up with an effective plan to execute for our next 6 months together.

hear from gianna

When I started seeing success when working with brands was when I knew the value of my content and knew the value of my rates. When I increased those rates, I started to see success both in the creation of my content and the value and overall experiences with those brands.

meet your head coach

I'm an online educator, lifestyle content creator and microinfluencer based in Los Angeles with an audience of over 120,000 across the world wide web. I'm also an influencer talent manager over at Boost Society, where I help influencers negotiate their collaborations. I love helping creators, bloggers and influencers to not only monetize their influence online, but also create impact that drives change and have a fully-realized influential business.

I've been influencing since 2012, and for most of my career, I absolutely had no idea what I was doing.

I didn't know what I was worth, and I thought I needed over 50,000 followers to turn this gig into a career. So I treated it like a hobby and stayed with my engineering job.

But just like every run-of-the-mill story you've probably heard, the more I got promoted and led the multimillion-dollar projects of my dreams, the more miserable I became working in the corporate world.

hi, i'm naomi

as seen in

So I gave myself 2 years to diversify and create new streams of income, and influencing sparked my exit strategy.

I came back to Instagram with new intentions and purpose: I wanted to help others live a life of purpose and create real, deep impact in the world. But the comeback wasn't easy at all.

There was A LOT OF LEARNING AND UNLEARNING involved. But I knew that if I really wanted to make my timeline work, I had to stop treating my influencer career like a hobby and start working it like a business.

I had every intention in juggling my 9-to-5 and my side biz until I can just live off my business income. BUT COVID HAPPENED, and my company laid me off in September of 2020. So I had no choice but to dive in and take more risks.

I felt like all the hard work I put in was worth more than the 2-3 weeks of vacation.

i have brought in $175,000+ in brand partnerships as a microinfluencer, helped my clients and students secure over $2.3 million and 10 creators hit that 6-figure mark in the last 2 years, and scaled my business to over $350,000 by 2022. I also have a powerhouse team of 5 who help me share everything I've learned with you in the last decade!

With all the years of trial and error, and my student-like mentality to find solutions for influencers' pain points, I've developed programs that will give you the tools to duplicate these results.

I'm passionate about sharing everything that I've learned over the last 10 years in the influencer industry, and I honestly just want to be one thing for you: that person I wish I had when I first started. So there's no fluff in the way I teach, which I hope you will come to appreciate.

In the last 4 years..

hear from chrissy

I've taken coaching from other people on Instagram and have had very poor results with no progress, guidance or results. With Naomi, she went above and beyond showing me how to write better captions, negotiating, pricing your services, and even assisting me with me starting my own business.

Allie is a social media strategist, Instagram expert, researcher, and experienced copywriter and content producer having worked in journalism, wellness, radio and television production, entrepreneurship, and government for over a decade. Her areas of expertise include social media strategy, content production, mindful social media use, authenticity, and mindset for coaches, authors, speakers and who lead with a purpose-driven approach to business. She prioritizes social impact, integrity, and organic growth and engagement. Allie is passionate about and an advocate for women’s issues and gender equality, economic justice, ethical marketing, indigenous sovereignty, and the equitable pay and treatment of social media professionals and creators. 


your content coach


Alex Porterfield

meet your support coaches

Alex Porterfield is an Online Business Manager for multi-6-figure Influencers and an online educator for current and aspiring Virtual Assistants through her signature program, Influencer Support Method. With over 5 years of management experience in the NYC entertainment industry, Alex is no stranger to working with creatives and keeping their businesses in shape. Her areas of expertise lie in project, team, and press management, and loves helping entrepreneurs streamline their business systems. 


Jessica M.

"There was so much honesty and raw truth from coaches that you probably wouldn’t get from other programs. It was helpful because I personally grow from constructive criticism and honest advice. I like that there were 3 dedicated coaches that helped and specialized in 3 different aspects so I was able to get my questions answered in depth by each person. It was also helpful when you all reminded me of how far I have come because I think we often forget our own progress."


"Naomi's mastermind was worth every penny. I was totally feeling lost before joining and I am so glad I invested in my future and business by joining OYI. I made back my initial investment a few times over. The knowledge I gained you can't put a price on. Thank you for all your help!"

riki r.

"My favorite part of the mastermind was the coaches! I think the three of you provided amazing support and guidance. I learned a lot from you guys individually from the feedback you've given personally to me on Slack and on the coaching calls."


"I loved that Naomi actively helped us find campaigns that we are a good fit for and helped me understand my rates and worth. Not only that, but also understanding the wording and language for brand emails and opportunities, as well as being confident in turning down opportunities that aren't the right fit for me."

Gabriella K.

"The most beneficial part of the OYI Mastermind was the availability and the resources from my coaches! There was so much support from them and from the community."


"The coaches and community. I love having Naomi’s constant support and love how big everyone dreams together!"

✅ You are an influencer, content creator, blogger or solopreneur. Whether you have 1,000 followers, 10,000, or 100,000 and you're ready to put in the time and hard work to turn your influencer hobby into a career.

✅ You want to master all things social media and influencer marketing and learn how to turn this into a well-oiled business, while adapting to this evolving environment.

✅ You want to overcome the algorithm overwhelm and the pressure to go viral, and want to create a healthy and sustainable content strategy that serves you, your community and your business that makes you money

✅ You have consumed all the free advice, free guides, courses, videos your brain can Google, but you're still hitting a wall on your influencer growth and you know there’s more to it than meets the eye

✅ You are listening to your impostor syndrome and what everyone else thinks, and you need help developing a healthy mindset around being a digital entrepreneur

✅ You are lacking support, focus, strategy and need help to create a customized blueprint and gameplan from someone who's been in your very shoes

✅ You want to create impact in your sphere of influence, while also helping redefine how society sees creators and influencers

The Own your influence mastermind is for you if...

this program is not for you if:

❌ You are new to the creator industry and have no existing experience
❌ You are not ready to invest in your creator or influencer biz
❌ Your only WHY to pursue an creator career is to make money

take me to the application ⟶

i'm ready for this!

hear from erin

Before the mastermind, I struggled with knowing what to charge, how to negotiate and how to take my platform from a hobby to a business. After working with Naomi in the mastermind for the past 6 months, I've earned over $25,000 in brand partnerships and the confidence to take my business full time.

how would it feel to

get results like this in 2023?

i want to be next, sign me up!

Still unsure? Hear it from my students!

MEET JEN! @quarantinedcocktails

Working 1:1 with Naomi has catapulted not only my growth on Instagram, but also my confidence as a beginner content creator. She has been there holding my hand literally every step of the way. She is always available (wondering when she sleeps?), and always has the best feedback regarding content, captions, times to post...anything you can think of.

In the 3 months that I've been working with her, I've gained about 100 followers per month using her strategies, and my engagement level and reach have both doubled. I've had 2 brands reach out to me wanting to partner, and landed my first paid collab at just over 1k followers. 15/10 would recommend!  

MEET lauren @wherethesuitcaseis

I can honestly say that working with Naomi has completely changed the trajectory of my business. When I first started this program, I had a dream of launching a lifestyle brand completely separate from the travel sphere I already occupied.

Naomi was one of the first people to tell me 'why not?' Every step of the way, from creating my brand pillars to nailing down a solid content calendar, she was there for me. Sometimes all you need to start an incredible journey is someone who will push you to take the first step.

That's what Naomi was for me, and I'm proud to say that I was part of this program.

MEET Shilin | @shoppingwithshi

The past year has been a whirlwind for everyone, but it was especially difficult to navigate as a small business owner. After two years dedicating time and effort into social media, I felt an urge to connect with a trustworthy person that would be able to assist taking me to the next level. After testing over three different agencies/persons, all whom felt short in one or more categories, my belief became non-existent and my guard was understandably high. But since signing with Naomi, she has not only succeeded in supplying valuable advice throughout my journey, but has also helped in creating a healthier business foundation. She is honest (which is a dying trait inside this particular industry), knowledgeably dispenses her own authentic tips/tricks, maintains an undeniable work ethic, and focuses on being fully present through hands-on teaching techniques - all while continuously showing how high your self-worth truly is. Trust me, take the leap with Naomi, she won’t let you fall!

meet Alyssa | @thealyssablisslist

When I first began the coaching program and started working 1:1 with Naomi, I was at a standstill with my Instagram followers and couldn't break 200. My TikTok had just taken off and was growing steadily at around 2k followers, but my Instagram, a total flop. Naomi taught me how to edit my photos and videos differently, in ways that were more modern and eye-catching, attracted new followers, and gained the attention of popular brands, some of which I'd consider dream brands. She also taught me how to batch content as a beauty influencer and pace my content in a way that prevents burnout. With the help of Naomi.... in just three months, I was able to grow my Instagram to 700 followers, expedite my growth on TikTok (I'm now at 12k followers), and secure my very first brand partnerships. With the coaching program, you get out of it what you put into it and I can honestly say, it exceeded any and all expectations I had coming into the program. If you want to learn from the best, learn from Naomi.

meet Abi | @theeecogoddess

i have the upmost respect for naomi. before starting my journey i was clueless on how much i should be charging for partnerships and didn’t know how to negotiate with brands. i now feel confident when negotiating and have a better content creation strategy.

The Own Your Influence mastermind is where your coaching team provides you with personalized support and guidance to produce results in your creator/influencer biz. We are here as your resource and a sounding board to help you with all the roadblocks and provide you with a blueprint to implement into your business.

The Own Your Influence mastermind is a group coaching program. There will be (6) 90-min calls with Naomi, (6) 90-min calls with a content coach, (6) 90-min calls with a systems coach, (4) group workshops with industry experts, and Slack messaging support. There is an optional VIP 1:1 add-on, limited to 2 students only.

The Own Your Influence mastermind is a multiple 4-figure investment. We offer a variety of payment plans. But if this program is out of your budget, Naomi offers a 12-week group hybrid program the SponMaster Mini-Mind and the SponMaster course.

We have 7 spots open for this round starting April 10, 2023.

After we review your application and you are a great fit, we will get you on a discovery call and you will be able to secure your spot once the first payment is received.

No. This is a custom consulting service, not a product that you can return.

Will I be your biz sidekick and see you on Zoom (and IRL?)

If you are ready to make 2023 THE YEAR you actually make your creator biz WORK, it's time to enroll today!

Once you enroll, we will review your application and if you are a great fit, we will reach out to schedule a discovery call!

this is my year and i need your help ⟶