
Social Distancing? A Complete Guide


Reporting to y’all from my exposed self (still waiting to get set up to WFH), here it is y’all! A guide to social distancing and self-quarantining at home! Thank you guys so much for helping me come up with these lists that you can do during this crazy time, while we take control of the spread of COVID-19 (or Coronavirus). I will also constantly update this list as I come up with more!

Self practices to avoid getting infected or being a COVID-19 carrier

1. Always change clothes when coming from outside
2. Avoid contact with people as much as possible (6ft/2m)
3. Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose
4. Clean your phone and anything you touch
5. Don’t reuse soiled towels
6. Eat whole foods, not junk!
7. Gargle with mouthwash
8. Laundry
10. Stay active, workout
11. Take your vitamins (Vitamin B, C, D, E, or a multivitamin)
12. Take immunity pills (ie. echinacea)
13. Wipe surfaces down with disinfecting products
14. Wipe down packages before opening
15. Wash your Hands (20 sec)

Productive and fun activities

1. At home spa day
2. Binge a show
3. Clean out your closet
4. Deep clean your house
5. Do a social media purge
6. Find out ways you to help online businesses & freelancer friends
7. Journal & reflect on your life
8. Learn a new recipe
9. Learn a TikTok dance
10. Listen to a podcast
11. Look for ways to make $ online
12. FaceTime/call friends & family
13. Meditate/Pray
14. Read a book
15. Think about what you’re grateful for
16. TAXES!
17. Try nail designs or a makeup look or a hairdo
18. Walk your dog
19. Wash your sheets
20. Workout at home
21. Write your goals & execute if possible

Ways to help small businesses/freelancers

1. Ask if local businesses need online biz support
2. Don’t cancel travel plans, but postpone
3. Engage on their content, especially sponsored ones (like/comment/call to action)
4. Help others start their own online biz by sharing what you know/have
5. Order takeout/delivery if available
6. Go on their website/blog
7. Shout them out on your stories
8. Write a review (Yelp or their podcast)

Binge-worthy shows

1. Community
2. Fleabag
3. Generation Wealth
4. Gilmore Girls
5. Gossip Girl
6. Grey’s Anatomy
7. Jane the Virgin
8. Kingdom
9. Love is Blind
10. Mindhunter
11. Parenthood
12. Peaky Blinders
13. Riverdale
14. Scandal
15. Seinfeld
16. Shameless
17. Smallville
18. The Boys
19. The Confession Killer
20. The Office
21. This is Us
22. Ugly Delicious
23. You

Books to read

1. Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
2. Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
3. Empower Yourself – John Martin
4. Failing Forward – John Maxwell
5. Harry Potter Series – JK Rowling
6. How Remarkable Women Lead – Joanna Barsh
7. Million Dollar Habits – Brian Tracy
8. Rhythms of Renewal – Rebekah Lyons
9. Small Great Things – Jodi Picoult
10. Start with Why – Simon Sinek
11. The Bible
12. The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy
13. The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz
14. The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Peale
15. The Sacred Search – Gary Thomas
16. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
17. The Truth About Men – Devon Franklin
18. Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
19. (Un)Qualified – Steven Furtick

Podcasts to tune into

1. Adulting
2. Content Creatives Podcast
3. Her Life By Design
4. Here to Slay
5. How to Fail
6. Jocko Podcast
7. Mood with Lauren Elizabeth
8. NPR’s “How I Built This”
9. Off the Gram
10. Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations
11. Recovering from Reality
12. Safe for Work
13. Second Life Podcast
14. Serial
15. The Goop
16. The Joe Rogan Experience
17. The Read
18. The WAG
19. Transformation Church Podcast
20. Why Won’t You Date Me?

Hope y’all like and find this helpful! We’re all in this together *and cue High School Musical song*